Wednesday, April 29, 2009



Come on, hit the cue ball…..1,2,3 NOW! What is this place??... What did you say john??... Where is the boy?... I've always said it come to no good… Damn it…. I'm Crazy! Mama…! Don’t let them… take me back home… let me hold you in my arms… where?? HAMMER! What did you say??... HAMMER! HAMMER!.... Don’t say that… HAMMER! Please, stop it…. HAMMER! HAMMER! Don’t …. Say…. That ! Please… HAMMER…! HAMMER! HAMMER! HAMMER!........... STOOOOOOOOP!

You Start up out of your nightmare* with a sudden, loud voice!..... OH, Jesus!...What a strange nightmare… It was so real!! You feel very shocked….. You look around…. Very dim light, shines upon you from the roof…the light is on…. After 2-3 minutes, you realize that you fell asleep while you were studying grammar for tomorrow's exam. You look at your watch…. It is 2:35 in the night…What was that sound??!!... It was not in your nightmare, it was REAL…and very close. You put your pamphlet aside and stand up to go to find out the source of that sound. You go to kitchen… nothing is wrong….The hall….nothing! There is just silence… What a silence! It seems that all the people in the city are asleep. You look around yourself…wow, Sweet smell of LONELYNESS…! Yes, you are alone. Parents went to a family party but you didn't go with them because of your exam…. The darkness is flowing over the hall… You can only see the silhouette of the things!.... "What was that sound???" You come back to your room while thinking about this… Maybe it was from down stairs… that lunatic man…aaargh! Even thinking about him, makes you angry!...Does he really expect you to treat him with any respect??... After all those things that he had done??....Was it possible that, that sound….???

Damn all of them! What is your business?? You have grammar exam, first in the morning! And you are back from schedule… you should study 3 more lessons to catch up. You try your best to concentrate on the pamphlet…. "What was that sound??"... OH GOD, damn it! You can't get rid of this! That man… he is really mad! He has a very bad hallucination… he has nobody in his life! You think to yourself:"Could anybody love him??"…

Down stairs, in the kitchen of a very small house, A man lies on the ground with a hammer in his hand. His face is covered with blood…!